1.Simply putting farmers in control of the irrigation network, and allowing them to decide how much water they needed, cut consumption by 30%.
2.her love of gardening and her admiration for her fathers beautiful garden with its built - in irrigation system , inspired her design.
3.Spray irrigation Sprinkling water over land to be used for crops. Often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants.
4.Nearly half of the trickle irrigation in the United States is in California, some of it in avocado orchards with slopes up to 50% to 60%.
5.For homeowners looking at planting trees or other crops, consider checking to see if local irrigation district water is available.
6.Most of the existing irrigation and water supply dams, which are referred to as rural dams, are earth dams with a height of less than 15 m.
7.Police released the findings of 13 said the man holding the gun is not really old-fashioned, but a hand-held lawn sprinkler irrigation.
8.One emitter may fail and go unnoticed until plant damage has occurred, but drip irrigation parts are inexpensive and easy to replace.
9.Sewage irrigation was one of the main factors which could cause heavy metal pollution of farmland.
10.Extensive land leveling is often required because the topography must be smoother than for furrow irrigation.