1.to know or understand something by feeling it, instead of by considering facts or evidence
1.The method they used for intuiting whether the infants had noticed a change from one sound to the other was pretty ingenious.
2.Extraverted iNtuiting: Inferring relationships, noticing threads of meaning, and scanning for what could be.
3.INFP (Introverted feeling with intuiting): These people are idealistic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved.
4.The next one is Sensing - Intuiting (S-N), with about 75 % of the population sensing.
5.ENFP (Extroverted intuiting with feeling): These people love novelty and surprises.
6.That's a problem for intuiting other people's thoughts because we tend to evaluate ourselves in much finer detail.
7.I enjoy intuiting and learning, the fruits of my discovery.
8.Intuiting is a kind of perception that works outside of the usual conscious processes.