interstate commerce
1.existing or taking place between states, especially between the states in the U.S. or Australia
1.a wide road with several lines of traffic going in each direction, built for fast travel over long distances as part of a national road system in the U.S.
1.from, to, or in other states of Australia
1.Just trying to find the Interstate. - Good to see you, soldier!
2.The rate of interstate migration to Queensland then slowed further, to be at its lowest in at least a decade.
3.Bringing wireless to the countryside is uneconomical in any case, so the priority tends to be urban areas and interstate highways.
4.That's because a product must be legal for interstate trade to be eligible for trademark protection, said a spokeswoman for the office.
5.If any of you are planning to be on Interstate 95 this summer, and you see a poor guy's sanity lying there, could you please let me know?
6.I lay staring into the dark, listening to the sounds of trucks and cars rushing along the nearby interstate.
7.Before I even made it out of Massachusetts on the interstate highway, a car pulled out of a rest stop right in front of me.
8.(V. O. ): 'A musician friend of Robert's told him of a place off the interstate. A place, Robert assured me no one I knew would see us '.
9.Any activity, even if purely intrastate , can be regulated by the federal government if it substantially affects interstate commerce.
10.Even when Congress has not acted, a state statute may run afoul of the dominant federal interest in the free flow of interstate commerce.