1.a point in a computer system where information passes from one part of the system to another or from the computer to the person using it; a piece of software or a connection that allows two pieces of computer equipment, for example a computer and a printer, to work together
2.a place where people or things meet each other, or a thing that connects them
1.if things or people interface, they are connected to each other or they join each other in some way
1.The flexibility and extensibility of support for Linux file systems is a direct result of an abstracted set of interfaces.
2.This data can be introspected to build user interfaces, which is how much of the standard Zope 3 management interface gets built.
3.These interfaces are intended to represent views into a collection, but they do not ensure the collection itself is immutable.
4.Applications in the business management system expect to obtain this information through interfaces that are easy to integrate.
5.He always preferred user interfaces to languages, but he was trying to be helpful.
6.The assembly editor detects that you are trying to wire a source to a target whose interfaces are different.
7.Routers connect two or more logical subnets, which do not necessarily map one-to-one to the physical interfaces of the router.
8.However, by using other controls or docking them differently, it is just as easy to create other user interfaces that are equally flexible.
9.The complete solution of two or more fluids without any interfaces between the fluids.
10.Moreover, user interfaces may be not so user-friendly, direct editing of the configuration files in command mode is usually required.