1.Tao Ran, What I am trying to tell you is that, A synonym to faith is belief, and is commonly used interchangeably.
2.Forgiveness is often confused with absolution, since the terms are used almost interchangeably in most religions.
3.The term computer virus is often used interchangeably with malware, though the two don't actually have the same meaning.
4.It is often used interchangeably with design management, but is also liberally applied to any big personality around the industry.
5.Hydrophobic is often used interchangeably with lipophilic, "fat loving. " However, the two terms are not synonymous.
6.Sheet-metal forming ( also called stamping) is often used almost interchangeably with pressworking.
7.The term service is often used interchangeably with the term provider, which specifically denotes the entity that provides the service.
8.While the two definitions have been used interchangeably , a third one has slipped into clinical discussions.
9.For a long time cities were the only large collections of people, so you could use the two ideas interchangeably.
10.I have a question, the terms "bind stone" and "graveyard" seem to be thrown about interchangeably in this thread. Are they the same thing?