1.It is not only the greatest numerically and greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually.
2.However, I felt that I would become intellectually more independent if I left the nest and had to make it on my own.
3.Only once they feel that you can stimulate them intellectually, they will be ready to commit to you.
4.I understand what you mean intellectually, but I can only change when I feel it passionately, and I don't feel it passionately.
5.At least intellectually you know that within your mind is the reflection of Heaven's Love, supporting you each step along the way.
6.Mr Brown is exhausted, intellectually too feeble to command support from people who have seen too much of him.
7.CC#1 was trying to explain to them and me why he considered a girl he knew to be a little more intellectually challenged than him.
8.Intellectually, I understood all this, and I remembered and appreciated the positive coverage I had received earlier in the campaign.
9.He found it hard to be subordinate to a man he thought to be intellectually inferior to himself.
10.I seem to see everything intellectually and can reason quite well - at least I think I can - with almost anybody.