1.to provide an example to support or explain something
1.When it comes to testing these objects, it is often expensive, impractical, or inefficient to instantiate these collaborators.
2.This will allow you to instantiate Java classes, call their methods and even derive from them as if they were just ordinary Ruby objects.
3.You proceed to instantiate an Abdera class, which makes it easy to set the ID, title, subtitle, and generator for the feed.
4.While I was at it, I wrote the whole thing as a lazy iterator so you don't need to instantiate a large node-list if you don't need one.
5.Many development teams choose to instantiate the RUP in an agile manner, and many others choose to borrow a few agile ideas here and there.
6.You can't instantiate a Ruby module; it's just a collection of routines under a distinct namespace.
7.Since Java does not allow you to instantiate an interface, we need an implementation of the JoinRowSet interface to perform our study.
8.This basically means that you don't need to instantiate the object manually; Ext JS will take care of it for you.
9.Another would be to instantiate Scilab through the command line and pass Scilab expressions to it.
10.However, the subclass leaves the concrete class as is and does not attempt to instantiate the superclass.