1.But that lingering risk of insolvency means that the state needs to be ready to take yet more action.
2.The host of small private yards that has sprung up in recent years are unlikely to be given support to avoid insolvency.
3.Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency.
4.It would not take much of a disaster to bring such leveraged entities close enough to insolvency to panic uninsured creditors.
5.To address any insolvency, a haircut must be imposed: in the case of Greek bonds, something of the order of 80 per cent may be necessary.
6.Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners' remuneration would be subsidised by the government funds up to a prescribed limit.
7.The company acknowledged that insolvency could not be ruled out if the court refused to do so.
8.He has no time for the theoretical economists' penchant for "efficient" balance sheets that lead companies to insolvency in recessions.
9.Raising the retirement age by a year or two can make the difference between the solvency and insolvency of pensions.
10.Wang Yu-theng, the Rebar founder, and his wife fled to the US in January after two Rebar flagship companies filed for insolvency.