1.America, it is worth remembering, was the great copyright and patent infringer when it was a developing country in the 18th century.
2.But it would be surprising if he thereby became an infringer and liable to an injunction.
3.Where the infringed suffers any other serious losses, the infringer shall also compensate for such losses.
4.One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.
5.can be granted on the application of the IPR owner without the infringer knowing that the hearing is taking place (an 'exparte' hearing).
6.Firstly the author points out the difference between the compensation liability subject for traffic accident damage and the infringer.
7.If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well.
8.If that happens, the infringer must comply with the order immediately even if he thinks it should not have been granted.
9.It mainly discusses the cognition factor and will factor and emphasizes a correct understanding of "violent infringer" .
10.The accused infringer could choose reasonable matters to opposed the patentee's plea, which is the main embodiment of the restricting.