1.Remember, from the concepts post that it is often useful to treat the screens informally like white boards in a fresh prototype.
2.('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly' as in he is plain stubborn).
3.In fact, it makes sense to call IntBetween3And17 a subtype of int, at least informally, whether or not the inheritance tree matches that.
4.Another US delegate said informally that US opposition to mandatory cuts in emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide had not changed.
5.Transliteration, to say it informally, is to transform the pronounciation form from the original language to that of the target language.
6.This design work is often done informally -- on the site as work progresses.
7.Participants and bankers are calling this, informally, the 'if in doubt, take it out' approach, essentially easing the impact of the rules.
8.The operations on a type were classified informally at the beginning of this chapter into creators, queries and commands.
9.They discussed the matter informally over dinner.
10.But I'll talk about them informally because it's just easy for you to understand.