1.lack of directness in a path, course, or procedure
2.lack of a goal or goals
3.an approach or action that is devious or deceitful
1.At the bottom of the diagram , are the indirection support classes I mentioned in the first paragraph of this section .
2.Unlike the mouse, which has a bit of indirection to distract the user, touch based applications must respond immediately to any interaction.
3.In the point-to-point article, we described how the JMS resources act as a level of indirection between the bus and the application.
4.A level of indirection in defined names is created when one name refers to another name or to a cell reference.
5.In fact, there is the possibility for a third level of indirection as you can map resources at the EAR level, as well.
6.You may also receive this error message if you try to delete a name that has too many levels of indirection below the name.
7.This extra level of indirection can get in the way when you're trying to profile or otherwise precisely control JVM invocation arguments.
8.In the zero-tolerance environment, even viewing log files must be accomplished through a layer of indirection.
9.Applying the indirection operator to a null pointer results in an implementation-defined behavior.
10.There's a layer of indirection between roles as used in code and roles as surfaced to deployment, but it's not germane to this discussion.