1.The work of two scientists who worked independently was announced at precisely the same date and place, in a joint paper.
2.Working with her father and uncles was also important: They taught her to "think and act independently, " she said.
3.Having management experience of medium and large scale projects design independently, and a strong sense of responsibility and enterprise.
4.This enables OSGi based systems to be brought up in an orderless fashion, and for bundles to be run independently of one another.
5.X is a gifted student with a good sense of imagination and creativity, and is also capable of pioneering and working independently.
6.But China has not agreed to put the goal in any declaration from Copenhagen or to allow progress towards it to be independently monitored.
7.all sanitary spaces shall have ventilation to the open air, independently of any other part of the accommodation; and.
8.Eventually the Open Compute Project could exist independently of the company that started it, as a shared resource for the industry.
9.Forever do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.
10.His conception was one of ideal beauty, which endures independently of the fading of the flower or the passing of the loveliness of youth.