1.I considered my giddiness and inconstancy when in London as in a great degree the cause of her unhappiness.
2.Hermia was looking at him and wondering at his strange inconstancy .
3.Thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continents. So hot spots may explain their mutability (inconstancy).
4.He insisted on the inconstancy of human detachment, and the company of animals, flowers and trees, with nature.
5.Caltrop unfamiliar things but distinct, clear astringent ignorant but can be seen through inconstancy of human relationships.
6."Inconstancy of human relationships, and human pouring thin" in the traditional themes in these two novels have been more fully reflected.
7.The perfume of this passionate plant may turn a maiden's head, hence wild honeysuckle is a symbol of inconstancy in love.
8.Madly in love laws: man madly in love the hour have inexhaustibility of cleverness; Woman madly in love hour but inconstancy get stupid.
9.Inconstancy is the cause of disaster, which results in separation and death.
10.Inconstancy of life is the constant theme in Chinese and Japanese literary classics.