1.sexual activity between people who are closely related, such as a parent and child or a brother and sister
1.An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuality, bestiality, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.
2.All the sex education I'd had said that this was wrong, that it was abuse and incest.
3.Tassi had been imprisoned earlier for incest with his sister-in-law and was charged with arranging the murder of his wife.
4.Duke Huan of Qi killed his elder brother and married elder brother's wife. So to speak, he was a man of incest.
5.But a law called the Hyde amendment bars federal funding for abortion, except in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother.
6.The whole Swiss setup, one Britishnewspaper reported back in London, was a sordid "league of incest. "
7.Thus the incest taboo and male domination were sufficient to promote our ancestors from a state of nature to one of culture.
8.Two years ago, Oklahoma passed a law barring public funds from being used for abortions with the exception of rape or incest.
9.But her demand for freedom also seems to include transgression of decisive cultural borders by questioning the incest-taboo.
10.Incest was not uncommon among ancient Egyptian royalty. But I believe that in this case, it planted the seed of their son's early death.