1.It seems that the etiology of PBC is still unknown at this point, but studies indicate that there is an immunological basis for the disease.
2.there was no immunological cross-reaction between the vitellin of E. sinensis and the vitellin of Macrobrachium nipponense.
3.Western blotting --- A technique analogous to Southern blotting, used for detection of proteins, usually by immunological methods.
4.Therefore there may exist an immunological crossed reaction between LC and LV without production of a real crossed allergenicity.
5.Immunological memory is defined functionally as an antigen induced altered state of the immune system persisting in the absence of antigen.
6.This semester we are learning some of Immunological basis, including the immunology of some of the basic concept of basic knowledge.
7.Other factors, particularly host immunological reactivity, are thought to be important elements in the genesis of the manifestations.
8.The positive rate can be raised when the IFAT and other immunological methods were jointly used for diagnosis of human hydatidosis.
9.In 12 patients (five men and seven women) this was an immunological hypersensitivity reaction.
10.Scientist Ellen Heber-Katz discovered the strain while working on an immunological study at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia.