1.a hypertext system that includes images, sound, and video as well as written words
1.Dr. Roy Fielding coined the term REST in his Ph. D. dissertation, where he referred to "hypermedia as the engine of application state. "
2.Therefore, online teaching support system for teachers to be able to provide adaptive hypermedia teaching.
3.Is " Hypermedia describes Protocols" the new way to think about the notion of HATEOAS, and does it make it easier to understand?
4.Hypermedia is a natural extension of hypertext in that the contents of each document include much more than text.
5.Discussion and exploration of cultural topics in their current social, political, and historical context via hypermedia documentaries.
6.Essentially, hypermedia is the modern extension of hypertext, the hyperlinked, text-based documents of the original Internet.
7.A network is mostly useless without a hypermedia system sitting on top of it, and multiplying its effectiveness.
8.Hypermedia is the engine of the application state, and resource representations are interconnected by hyperlinks.
9.Its objective is to use the DBHM approach as the basis for the construction of reliable data-centric hypermedia applications.
10.Another step further into it is to make use of hypermedia-based services and the Restfulie gem allows you to do it very quickly.