1.A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994. He began to make a living in this hurly-burly of modern city.
2.Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?
3.Few people feel confident enough to throw themselves into the hurly-burly of financial markets on their own.
4.Hurly speculated that the special cognitive skills are necessary for the hummingbird's survival.
5.To be perfectly at peace amid the hurly -burly of daily life is a secret worth knowing.
6."Hickox commanded absolute respect and affection, which was very special in the hurly-burly of British musical life, " he said.
7.In the hurly-burly of daily office life, it is surprising how often this basic requirement can be overlooked.
8.Some become tired of the hurly-burly of city life and choose to be alone on purpose.
9.From now on, when you fly from Copenhagen, you can make the most of lounge access before your flight and escape from the hurly-burly .
10.Anyway, the interviewer wondered about how the name later changed in the hurly-burly of English use and he said