1.About the next few images, please make them a little larger, or at least taking up the whole page horizontally.
2.You should be able to see two rectangles and a perfect circle centered horizontally and vertically on your screen.
3.The ice crystals must be oriented horizontally and the observer's line of sight must be close to horizontal to see the sundogs.
4.Put the stripe horizontally and view how much backspin shows up when you hit low.
5.Your navigation bar should appear in the same place on every page, usually horizontally across the top or vertically along the side.
6.The setting that determines how much information is displayed on the computer screen, measured horizontally and vertically in pixels.
7.Dive planes Horizontally mounted fins on the U-boat's external hull used to help the boat pe or climb.
8.a mechanical drawing of an object as if made by a plane cutting through it horizontally.
9.It would still be a ball of wool but would roll horizontally (actually rotate) as you hover over one of the 8 selections.
10.How much of your subject should you include, and should it be framed horizontally as we have done here?