1.Same as herdsman
2.someone who herds and takes care of a group of animals as their job
1."In recent years, herder numbers have gotten smaller, " she said. "Many herders have moved to the town to work for the mining company. "
2.The reindeer herder who discovered Lyuba sold her for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food.
3.In this respect we could compare Herder to Burke, because like Berke, Herder argued that each nation had a tradition that had to be honored.
4.He worked in the merchant navy, as an oil driller in India, a cow herder in Israel and a doctor of Chinese medicine in Thailand.
5.Wen Mao, a herder who lives in a tent with her family of eight, told us that one of her sons died in the earthquake.
6.This was a guy who was a goat-herder, but he still achieved. He went to Harvard and had a very respected position in Kenyan society.
7.It was said that once a well-bred girl who lived on this road fell in love with a low class cattle herder.
8.The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.
9.Herder and many other of his generation wanted to challenge the French ascendancy and to defend a distinctive German culture.
10.She was discovered by a reindeer herder on a river bank in northwestern Siberia.