1.the deep red, nonprotein portion of hemoglobin that contains iron
1.hemoglobin is a protein consisting of multiple molecules, and such a molecule can interact with a non-protein compound called heme.
2.Heme iron, one of two types of iron found in foods, is bound to either the blood protein hemoglobin or the muscle protein myoglobin.
3.The chief differences between chlorophyll and heme are the presence of a magnesium atom in the center of the porphyrin ring.
4.Heme, a complex heterocyclic compound, is an organic molecule derived from porphyrin with an iron atom at the centre.
5.A heme (HEM) is a multi-atom, non-proteinaceous organic structure capable of positioning an iron (FE) ion in its center.
6.Heme iron in the blood constitutes one of the major components, therefore, should eat foods rich in iron.
7.Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are two members of this family that share sequence homology with myoglobin and contain a heme-binding domain.
8.The layer-by-layer assembly of the heme proteins with these nanoparticles were successfully realized on various solid surfaces.
9.Heme oxygenases(HOs) are a group of newly found antioxidants which exist broadly in many human organs and tissues.
10.After phagocytosis and subsequent disruption of the cell membrane, Hgb is converted to heme and globin.