a haunting melody/experience/image
1.beautiful in a way that makes you feel sad and remember something for a long time
1.The present participle of haunt
1.A double haunting presence looms throughout all the books: that of Algeria, where Camus was born, and of his mother, Catherine.
2.Creating a single stunning painting, or a single haunting piece of music, is far more "productive" than trying to make ten mediocre ones.
3.and such a gourmand - who became a master - had been haunting me for forty years as if a queer phantom.
4.If she did not always have this haunting sense of fear!
5.We thought we were documenting it for posterity, but there they are, haunting me with an exactness that doesn't even scratch the surface.
6.She could not get the idea out of her mind. It was as if some haunting challenge prompted her, and she had not enough courage to take it up.
7.Its time to get out of this town Its Haunting, this torture Your fear holds you down Be blessed and move forwards silent and sound.
8.In a grotto strong with the Force, Anakin experienced a haunting vision of his mother and the dead Sith warrior Darth Maul.
9."Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency.
10.While to the average citizen that means the company is dead and gone, the firm is still haunting several of its Wall Street brethren.