1.a small gun that is used with one hand
1."After just a few minutes, he took a handgun and started to shoot people, " Roberg-Larsen said.
2.No matter how enthusiastic or courageous [the rebels may be], a handgun has no chance against [Gaddafi's forces].
3.It said it appeared a handgun found nearby had not been used.
4.and anyone who legally owns a handgun and who asks for a permit to carry a concealed weapon must be granted such a permit.
5.One of the teens said he had a handgun and demanded the trick-or-treaters turn over their Halloween loot.
6.Listen, you're living in a dream world if you think Congress is ever going to pass any kind of handgun control law.
7.He raises the handgun and points it towards the driver's seat, but he does not fire. He looks in shock to see that his mark is already dead.
8.A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what police believe was a gang assault.
9.And, assume the office taking the door of handgun form toward a of the small study east, also virtually occupied many communal spaces.
10.Wilmette bans handgun ownership, and the 54-year-old father of two could face a fine of up to $750.