1.the mother or father of your mother or father. You are their grandchild.
1.On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing.
2.She did not own a car and she was rarely able to visit her grandparents who lived far away.
3.Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren.
4."It's the only place in your home you can have privacy, " he said. "A lot of people still live with their grandparents and parents. "
5.Look on the bright side. We were never daft enough, it seems, to pay the kind of prices for stocks our great-grandparents did.
6.Perhaps you had a lot of contact with your grandparents as a child, or you see them on a very regular basis.
7.She said that she also saw elderly Palestinians being humiliated on the streets, "and I thought these could be my parents or grandparents" .
8.When her grandparents took her to the same store, Bella headed for the toy section, but not when she was with her parents.
9.But I think of my grandchildren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time.
10.In recent years, we don't often get a chance to visit our grandparents. They live so far away. We get to see them once in a blue moon.