1.The derivative of gossip
2.a gossipy person enjoys talking about other people and their lives; a gossipy letter is lively and full of news about the writer of the letter and about other people
1.Ballard shunned the gossipy London literary circuit, preferring the company of a few close friends and family.
2.Gossipy men, known as " long-tongued men" , are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.
3.Be sure to go out of your way to keep your talks confidential, away from gossipy boys and girls and far from the copycats.
4.It's gossipy and superficial, and it may not be right selling "At the Feetof the Master" . . . with your name on it.
5.They might find a couple of gossipy messages. But there would be absolutely nothing that would give a rival a competitive advantage.
6.Put away your BlackBerry, stop talking about your next big proposal, and halt all conversations about your gossipy coworker.
7.My dear, do not indiscriminately in order to Gossipy language. Mo had mistakenly regret.
8.Small wonder if she becomes a nag, petty, quarrelsome, gossipy , unbearable, thus driving the man from the house.
9.No eternal mystery story, not at one's leisure the gossipy tidbits, only the lonely, a sharp pain in my left atrium, right ventricle.
10.It is a funny, interesting, exciting, gossipy, publication to show off.