1.Again, notice that GORM allows you to think in terms of objects instead of primary or foreign keys.
2.GORM helps mitigate the leaky-abstraction problem by allowing you to represent your object model in a way that makes sense in Groovy.
3.In " GORM: Funny name, serious technology, " you were introduced to the basics of GORM, including simple one-to-many relationships.
4.Later, in " Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax, " you used GORM to model increasingly sophisticated class relationships.
5.Recall that GORM is a thin Groovy facade over Hibernate, so it shouldn't surprise you that all of your old Hibernate tricks will still work.
6.If you provide a couple of specially named fields (lastUpdated and dateCreated), GORM automatically timestamps the class.
7.GORM events customization include the registration of events that get fired when certain events such as deletes, inserts and updates occur.
8.Grails recently released version 0. 5, with improved performance, custom URLs, enhancements to GORM and more.
9.When GORM adds a publisher_id field to the book table, you have a 1: m relationship between the two tables.
10.If you provide a couple of specially named fields, GORM automatically timestamps your class, as shown in Listing 15