1.a form of glucose that is found especially in the liver and muscles
1.He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level.
2.GLYCOGEN a polysaccharide composed of many GLUCOSE units, with a branching structure similar to that of amylopectiN.
3.Exercise also causes your body to use glycogen, a form of glucose the body stores in muscle tissue to meet short-term energy needs.
4.It had been thought to boost endurance by stimulating a greater use of fat for energy, and thereby reserving glycogen in the muscles.
5.When glycogen, the body's storage form of carbohydrate energy, begins go run low, no amount of willpower can fuel the body.
6.Eventually the body burns up stored sugars, or glycogen, so less insulin is needed to help the body digest food.
7.Around 6: 00 in the evening it wants to go to sleep and starts to store up the sugars (glycogen) to be used for the next day.
8.Glycogen also known as animal starch, is the storage of glucose in animals as a form found primarily in the liver and muscles.
9.The vacuolated cytoplasm in clear cell meningiomas is glycogen-rich (PAS-positive), but not that of microcystic meningioma.
10.After the exhaustion of the glycogen reserve, and for the next 2-3 days, fatty acids are the principal metabolic fuel.