1.a list of the difficult words used in a piece of writing or subject, with explanations of their meaning
1.A sports extremely popular glossary , the soccer lottery ticket is nobody did not know.
2.What I personally like best is that such a project would give me a place to put the glossary of botanical terms compiled by Herman Busser.
3.This allows business rule specifications, service requirements or other requirement types to be expressed in terms of glossary terms.
4.There is a strong need for a formal glossary of accepted terms, which would be the product of a business analysis activity.
5.The next query, shown in Listing 7, says "find concepts represented by the word bear and find the glossary entries for those concepts. "
6.The glossary models specified here are used for database objects that show up in the Database Explorer.
7.The prime glossary of every Sino-Tibetan language family had its own word indicating dogs.
8.Furthermore, canonical data models can be made to comply with standardized business terms as expressed through a business glossary.
9.Simply put, the business glossary is the formal contract between the producers and consumers of information across the enterprise.
10.In the Keyword Phrase box, type the word, acronym, or phrase that you want to add to a search glossary.