1.I considered my giddiness and inconstancy when in London as in a great degree the cause of her unhappiness.
2.But at least I had no sooner eaten my first meal than I was seized with giddiness and retching.
3.In my giddiness to spread the word, I dropped the hint that an expanded universe character was slated to be in the film.
4.If you know, see, be and have, your might get strain, dizziness, giddiness or suffocation. This is not the correct practice.
5.Suddenly the giddiness is gone, and I stare at the ground. "I always need someone to rescue me. "
6.The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear.
7.Most of the heavy emoting is done by Streep, whose meanness is pitched at the same near-hysterical level as her giddiness in Mamma Mia!
8.These days, perhaps only two things put fans in seats for preseason games -- gimmickry and giddiness .
9.Even before the revolution, sober neoclassical styles were replacing the giddiness of rococo.
10.Now and then the room blurred and a slight giddiness came over him; but his muscles would flex taut and it would pass.