1."I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a compliment to his own hardy condition.
2."I saw you, " Hurstwood said, genially, the next time Drouet drifted in to his polished resort, from which he could not stay away.
3.I thought that a person only then, when he is self-confident, will be only then humorous, genially , easy to be together.
4.She had put on weight , she were little makeup , she was genially talkative about her plans after law school .
5."Now you put those things away, " he said genially , pointing to the trunks.
6."Well, it seems strange to see you way up here, " said Mr. Kenny genially. "Stopping here? "
7."What are you up to? " he inquired genially, turning a smiling face upon his secret brother.
8.Carrie smiled genially , grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much.
9."Stand easy! " barked the instructress a little more genially.
10."You ought to take lessons right away then, " replied Lester genially .