1.someone who knows a lot about a wide range of subjects
1."So hiring MBAs to place in a generalist pool is more difficult now and the role of the MBA is even more in question. "
2.Some of the strongest life sciences deals may have come from generalist firms.
3.A generalist is the so-called broad knowledge platform, rich reserves of knowledge and a variety of skills.
4.This is what happens when you've been a generalist web, media and technology company for a really long time (at least in dot-com years).
5.Sure, it's possible to be an IT generalist, but the quickest route to "fame" (and some measure of fortune) is to find yourself a niche.
6.A new classification in the rankings differentiates between generalist universities and specialist institutions.
7.The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends.
8.They therefore suspect it was a generalist, per many modern birds today.
9.At least 6 years experience in all HR functions, HR generalist preferred.
10.The generalist insects tend to feed on a range of different plants, some of which will be either group-apparent or ephemeral.