1.<poem>Same as engender
1.the fact of being either male or female
2.all male people, or all female people
3.the gender of a word is whether it is masculine, feminine, or neuter. In English, only pronouns like “he” and “she” and possessive determiners like “his” and “her” have gender, but in other languages such as French all nouns, pronouns, etc. have gender.
1.German has three genders, seemingly so random that Mark Twain wondered why "a young lady has no sex, but a turnip has" .
2.Although two parents are often more effective than one, the parents' genders make little difference in terms of the child's development.
3.But there was no evidence that this advantage depended on the married parents being of different genders.
4.There was no distinct difference in consuming behavior in terms of number of practicing time and practicing hours between different genders.
5.Yet, we take turns in life to be in the roles of men and women, so there is really no competition between the two genders.
6.With regard to consumer satisfaction, there was distinct difference between different genders and different years of learning.
7.The further analysis shows that insignificant relation between SRH and mortality risk has no difference between genders.
8.moreover, it is possible that criteria for classification of osteoporosis should be different in both genders.
9.A criminal complaint said she had confessed , but did not give genders or specific ages of the students.
10.Empirical observations however, indicate that the magnitude of this decline is not the same for both genders .