1.to move your eyebrows down and closer together because you are annoyed, worried, or thinking hard
1.an expression on your face made by moving your eyebrows down and closer together that shows you are annoyed, worried, or thinking hard
1.One student leader, a pretty young woman who never seems to stop frowning, makes an impassioned plea for the latter option.
2."We shall have thee there anon ! " said the witch-lady, frowning, as she drew back her head.
3.He sat down in a rocking-chair to think the better, drawing up one leg on his knee and frowning mightily. His mind ran on at a great rate.
4.Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera.
5.Griff stared at him, frowning.
6.With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up, like his horse, he was frowning at the driving rain, and anxiously looking before him.
7.Without the sense of security, she expresses her tension and misery through her fearful eyes and frowning eyebrows.
8.Even how we were on the rock he said nothing, nor so much as relaxed the frowning look upon his face.
9.Denisov, frowning, turned away from him, and addressing the esaul, told him his own views on the matter.
10.Just as I slowed up to avoid overtaking him he stopped and began frowning into the windows of a jewelry store.