1.a small hole dug in the ground to protect a sniper or other soldier from enemy fire
1.In World War II th e general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.
2.The 2008 playoffs are going to be an all-out war for 10 weeks; I'm not sure I'd want to be in a foxhole with him or Diaw.
3.In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.
4.you cannot have both greed and peace, the foxhole and God; you cannot justify ignorance and yet hope for enlightenment.
5.It's incredibly important to me that I can implicitly trust the people I'm in a foxhole with.
6.His final case for social democracy is a "show-me- a -better-foxhole" plea . Nothing else looks more desirable.
7.The in-the-foxhole experience, while trying, makes them more understanding of the challenges their clients or potential clients face.
8.Love is life in a foxhole, where one person has the other's back, especially when the bullets are flying.
9.The Morning after the shelling killed Muck and Penkala, I saw a soldier try to dig a foxhole with his bare hands.
10.The soldier hollowed out a foxhole in the ground to lie in.