a rising star in the literary firmament
1.the sky, considered as an arch
2.the world occupied by all the celebrities in a particular field such as the theater or sports
1.As he is only "one of" your stars, it sounds as if you will be left with better behaved ones in your firmament once his light is put out.
2.He rose his head and stared at the firmament.
3.Now what you Candace love to call the Big Bad Boys, they decided to take down the firmament, as a way of destruction of life.
4.Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
5.By degrees the wind abated , vast gray clouds rolled towards the west , and the blue firmament appeared studded with bright stars .
6.After the Firmament's collapse, radiation eventually shrunk the physical size of humans and gradually limited the length of their life span.
7.In his decade at the top of British and international politics , he was, indeed , a star , albeit in a rather dim firmament .
8.Another gaping hole in the card-carrying firmament is among those who do not have bank accounts, especially new immigrants and the poor.
9.The moment of tomorrow under the firmament, conflicts appear endlessly, the surface of water is rippling.
10.Additionally, the Firmament also effectively kept out heat and other radiation that caused deterioration of the body.