1.No one would have complained that China had not followed its creeping barrage of fireworks with a helicopter.
2.Fireworks lit up the sky over the National Mall in Washington Saturday night-just one of many big Independence Day celebrations nationwide.
3.But she uses it to sort laundry, notice cars and people, and on the Fourth of July, to "see all the fireworks, " she said.
4.The CPSC says the best way to avoid injury is to leave the fireworks up to the professionals.
5.Don't you think setting fireworks is better than shooting guns into the air?
6.Police said the fire was triggered by fireworks that 'accidentally sparked off the external wall of the buildings, ' Xinhua reported.
7.If you witnessed a burning object hit the ground it may have been a damaged aircraft, fireworks, UFO, or other unknown object.
8.She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before.
9.People came from all directions to see me play, they point from fireworks, they wear my uniform, they shout at me: "BEAT LA" .
10.In the darkness of the night, if he sharpened it, it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water.