a fearless mountaineer
1.not afraid of anyone or anything. This word shows that you admire people like this.
1.The most fearless state-of-being is needed to receive all the benefits that this encounter will bring into your existence.
2.To his brothers during the war, he was their astute and fearless leader, ready to face death without a moment's notice.
3.Like the best of her generation (alas, few and untypical) she grew up fearless, thriving on freedom and fresh air.
4.Mr. Heathcliff, I believe, had not treated him physically ill; thanks to his fearless nature.
5.Italians are brought up to be afraid of these health risks, while our ignorance of their very existence makes us strong and fearless.
6.Missionaries: Ron Lord, beliefs, are fearless and I ~ into a devil, perhaps in return was a devil crying devil you!
7.But it was clear to me that the mayor had a vision for this strategic city, and that he was one of the most fearless people I had ever met.
8.and I swear as soon as I sang the words "With you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless" . . . I felt a drop of rain hit me.
9.He stared straight into Connie's eyes, with a perfect, fearless, impersonal look, as if he wanted to see what she was like.
10.Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy. But if you ask me, she's still in love with you-know-who.