1.the line of hair above an eye
1.The eyebrows do not lie flat but, instead, arch up and out in a curve that lightly veils the eyes.
2.Burgher's wife said she likes his new look. "Beneath the eyebrows is a really handsome man, " she said. "He looks like a normal person. "
3.She looked at me, raised her eyebrows and said 'You know I'd be happy to recommend you if you ever needed it, right?
4.Gerald smiled grimly at this humorism. Then he made a little gesture of dismissal, with his eyebrows.
5.By the end of the evening two eyebrows have appeared, and a little flesh around the bridge of my nose.
6.His hair slightly spiked, the singer has thick eyebrows, large eyes and perfectly groomed skin, making for a classic metrosexual look.
7.Jack tossed the papers on my desk --- his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me.
8.Knife blade is a handsome eyebrows eyebrow, as she was the person in general, cool, free and easy.
9.Like we human beings, the robot has mobile eyebrows and eyelids. Researchers even gave it a pair of light pink lips.
10.Seeing his forehead in creases, his eyebrows in frowns, I suddenly had a very clear mental video of him at the Rammstein concert.