1.The trouble is, all this exuberance has already been priced into many valuations.
2.The news did not dampen investor exuberance in the United States or elsewhere, as financial markets worldwide rallied sharply higher.
3.The very first chance that I got evaded his grasp and ran on ahead into the dark, skipping with feigned boyish exuberance.
4.eg. Their talk is often hard to fathom but their exuberance still comes through.
5.But I was annoyed by her bad temper, and I wanted be somewhere else, at the pool, away with my classmates, swept up in the exuberance.
6.Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance, " but that did not deflate the dot-com stock market bubble.
7.Buoyed by the energy and exuberance of youth, I learned as I labored six and seven days a week and loved it.
8.Many regulators believe that the sector's short history and a lack of other investment options has led to irrational exuberance.
9.His stark conclusion was that full employment had rarely been achieved in peacetime except in rare periods of exuberance.
10.Deployed both as a winger and a front-man his pace and youthful exuberance have earned him plenty of plaudits, culminating in the PFA award.