1.The name of an externally visible member matches, in a case-insensitive comparison, the name of one of its parameters.
2.Externally, your main consideration seems to be acquiring wealth and satisfying your pleasure-seeking instinct.
3.Do not use externally visible nested types for logical grouping or to avoid name collisions; instead, use namespaces.
4.The name of a generic type parameter on an externally visible type or method does not start with an uppercase 'T'.
5.You know in Buddhism we talk about the six realms, they do not exist externally it exist within your own being.
6.As this inpidual has no way of externally checking the way he is using a concept, he cannot be said to be using a language.
7.Price played a striking role in social economy and was one of the concrete forms that human essential power was externally transformed.
8.Some degree of control is possible by modifying the angle of the light shelf either internally or externally, or in combination.
9.Under the same externally applied stress, the volume fraction of the microcracks increases with that of the constituents.
10.Registration of an externally validated taxonomy can be accomplished only with the approval of a UDDI Business Registry operator.