1.Next, the children were tested to see if they would continue to help the experimenter without a reward.
2.But halfway through the game, for these kids, the rules changed, and suddenly the experimenter wasn't living up to her part of the bargain.
3.As you learned from the experimenter after it was finished, you were actually given a shot of adrenaline, not a vitamin preparation.
4.If the experimenter took the train off the table and lifted the screen, all the babies seemed surprised not to see the train.
5.You are to be seated in a cubicle from where you'll only be able to see the control box for your 'truck' and the experimenter.
6.Then the experimenter looks a little embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there's been a cock-up.
7.But when they see an experimenter put her hand in the box, they insist that she could have done something else.
8.The experimenter moved only his eyes, moved his head and his eyes, or moved his head and kept his eyes closed.
9.They were all confederates who had been told by the experimenter to give the wrong answer.
10.After a while the experimenter returns and asks you to fill out a questionnaire about your mood.