1.In Tokyo Mr Obama and Mr Hatoyama promised to "move expeditiously" to settle the matter.
2.This, he said, would allow them to "act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process. "
3.They were moving expeditiously, as if to make up for lost time.
4.They travelled as expeditiously as possible; and, sleeping one night on the road, reached Longbourn by dinner -time the next day.
5.Their trial needs to be pursued expeditiously, and many more need to be held accountable if Cambodia is to see true justice.
6.The important considerations are that it must be carried out cheaply and expeditiously, and a good product must be obtained.
7."Hopefully the new plan will be effected expeditiously (and) the New GM will emerge quickly, " he said.
8.and it might strike them that they could be more economically, though less expeditiously, married in London, than in Scotland.
9.To expeditiously enact the "land-use planning to implement management practices, " the planning statutes.
10.If you feel within one month or two months that you want to conceive expeditiously, then you should go ahead and try.