1.an executable program or file can be used on a computer
1.The client executable calls the DLL's exported functions just as if the functions were contained within the executable.
2.By default, Edit and Continue re links your program at the end of a debugging session to create an up-to-date executable.
3.What I have done for the last two years is use this executable architecture as the starting code for the software engineering courses.
4.This is the last step in the preparation of software for execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable.
5.A deadlock is always a modeling error: some of the desired process behaviors are missing due to non-executable activities in the model.
6.Step through a program line by line: Each line of the executable program can be executed one line at a time.
7.After all the source code files have been compiled, they are linked by the linker just as an application's executable file would be.
8.This enables you to specify an internal executable process together with its views within the same language.
9.The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.
10.The Windows Form starts running under Windows, just as if you had double-clicked its executable.