1.At the beginning we started with a simple example, but lets revist a simple case where we use eval with the binding of a block.
2.eval is possible as long as we ship with a parser and interpreter for Ruby code.
3.The Eval method could be applied with the same syntax, but it would not perform as quickly.
4.I stand up, start to do a Moral Benefit Eval, then think, No, no way, do not even think about doing that stupid shit now.
5.It has been proven that it is reliable to use the Rock-Eval technology to determine the carbonate rocks containing mi-grating hydrocarbons.
6.Live Eval aims to mimic as much of a full SuSE distribution as possible from a single CD-ROM.
7.The Eval method is a static (read-only) method that takes the value of a data field and returns it as a string.
8.One thing to watch out for in the interactive environment is that you need to eval each statement suite as soon as you write it.
9.The following code can be used to generate the above result and can be used as a reference for using a binding with eval.
10.This multimethod is turned into a visitor with the node-eval function.