1.a man whose testicles have been removed, especially, in the past, a man whose job was guarding women in a harem
1.While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and hurried Haman away to the banquet Esther had prepared.
2.Trinket ran to the door and closed it, then he drew out his trusty dagger and proceeded to stab all four eunuchs in me chest.
3.Wang straight constantly poverty, for prosperity, from temple be eunuchs, trying to hack asymptotic at the palace of letters.
4.If an emperor was like this, princes, dukes and ministers, relatives, eunuchs and officials must have been infected as well.
5.In Jesus Christ God has come as a leper for the lepers, as a eunuch for the eunuchs, he became unclean so that you could be eternally clean.
6.Moreover he will take the tenth of your corn, and of the revenues of your vineyards, to give his eunuchs and servants.
7.The eunuchs would be asked to help collect outstanding taxes from private homes soon, Prasad said.
8.b. Basically this bureaucracy might be pided into three groups: the civil administration, the military officials, and the eunuchs.
9.Xixiao woman that you are top you do not impotence, eunuchs , not a man, not a real man!
10.And the king of Israel called one of the eunuchs, and said to him : Call quickly Micheas the son of Jemla.