1.The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre -Indo- European.
2.This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie's quote.
3.There is no question among any of the etymological dictionaries as to the fact that snafu comes from a military slang.
4.Complications have been tossed aside. Words are no longer delved into for their etymological significance as they were in the 1970s.
5.The result of lexical density calculation and etymological analysis all prove that The New York Times Book Review is a high formal genre.
6.LAST night I saw Christopher Nolan's film "Inception" , and I think its title is a small work of etymological genius.
7.This was so literally true that the etymological meaning of client is "one who listens to be called" since cluere meant "to listen. "
8.Like a linguistic genome, analysts can sift through five million books, and two centuries of text to trace their etymological histories.
9.There's an etymological connection between the platform upon which speeches are made and squirrels, rats and beavers.
10.Etymological Study on the Word "Doctor"