2.(=emergency room)急救室
1.(=emergency room)
1.an emergency room in a hospital
1.ers a week-long venue for government representatives. These meetings are being held behind closed doors, away from the main venue.
2.For your consideration and that of your end - us2 ers, we have taken this opportunity of enclosing two sets of our literature.
3.No, a few 'ers' and 'uhs' is actually understandable and conversational. But make sure not to make it a habit.
4.And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr Miller's garden-ers, needed money for his large family.
5.Combining with the clinical studies, ERS might be a novel therapeutic target in liver injury-related disease.
6.Producers deny that Cookie Monster has been placed on a diet. We would never use the word diet with pre-school-ers, sail a spokeswoman.
7.Our wish , ERS people could go together with both domestic and overseas friends as the sun rises with broad heart. And bosom the world.
8.The question does not solely come from beginning pray-ers, but from Christians in all stages of their prayer lives and walks with the Lord.
9.The emulsifying technology of sea buckthorn juice and this election of emulsifiers andes stabilize ers and their ratio were in ves ti gated.
10.Its superior quality, and competitive price has enjoyed the trust in custom- ers and a large share of the market.