1.a moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important
2.January 6th, celebrated by Christians as the day that the baby Jesus Christ was visited by three kings or wise men, according to the Bible
1.As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s, Grover Norquist claims to have had a political epiphany.
2.He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany.
3.On the plane, I had a sort of epiphany that this business story wouldn't gonna work.
4.My contact is an example: he is like the "Thief on the Cross" (Bible story). Everyone can have an epiphany. All people are capable of it.
5.If you're attached, the two of you are about to experience an epiphany -- a reawakening of the fire that first brought you together.
6.We did not expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany.
7.In the first "Iron Man, " weapons manufacturer Tony Stark has an epiphany when he winds up on the wrong end of some of his deadly products.
8.Humbled in defeat, Sorn has a creative epiphany that coincides with an invitation to join the royal court of a prince as a top musician.
9.Or have you had a great day at work and then had the epiphany that it didn't feel like you were working all day?
10.An epiphany of sorts overtook Packard when he watched the piles of his seed accumulate in his garage.