1.a table listing the future positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets over a given period of time
1.We have to acquire the following "tools" to work with: an ephemeris for the year the horoscope is to be made.
2.Summary: Pocket Stars is an astronomy application featuring an integrated star chart, ephemeris, and celestial navigation calculator.
3.The main contents of this paper include: 1. The precision test algorithm of the satellite broadcast ephemeris and orbit determination.
4.After comparison with overlay pass, other ephemeris and propagation, it was analyzed the orbit determination and propagation accuracy of LP.
5.The ephemeris of GPS satellites and the coordinates of the satellites are the mathematical basis in solving the GPS baselines.
6.You may use the on-line New Object Ephemeris Generator to generate ephemerides to enable you to find the object after the first night.
7.ASPECTS FORMED TO THE PRIME SIGNIFICATOR in the ephemeris from day to day or from week to week, as the case may be.
8.Devices and methods are described for determining position information without broadcast ephemeris data for extended time periods.
9.The system in 1964 after he completed the U. S. military use in 1967 will be declassified Ephemeris and the provision of civil service.
10.Supposing we wish to make a horoscope for a native born August 3rd 1901, we have to buy an ephemeris for the year 1901 at some book store.