1.to pronounce words clearly so that they can be easily understood; to express an idea clearly and in detail.
1.Never go home the same way as you went out, ' she said, as though enunciating an important general principle .
2."I am so glad you could come" , he said, enunciating each syllable clearly.
3.Very often people will converse with me at the top of their lungs, enunciating each word very carefully.
4.It is quite impossible, even to articulate it if we do not see what the nature of the process of enunciating is.
5.People were enunciating new issues. There were speak outs and demonstrations.
6."He is a thief, " Grandma said, enunciating every word.
7.Remember, I am enunciating biology and not sentimental ethics.
8."I speak English, " she said, softly, enunciating each word with exaggerated care.
9.A Brief Analysis on the Vocalizing and Enunciating Problems and Countermeasures in Singing Teaching
10.He replied, gazing to the very bottom of Thenardier's eyes the while, and enunciating every syllable distinctly