1.involved in a complicated or unpleasant situation that it is difficult to escape from
1.Now they are enmeshed in a scandal over a CIA compound in a suburb of Vilnius, which may have been a secret prison.
2.For a month Silvio Berlusconi has been enmeshed in a sex scandal that might have forced any other leader from office.
3.The most recent decade has seen scientists enmeshed deeper in the convoluted organ, still trying to untangle the webs of mental illness.
4.Some people argue that China is now too enmeshed in globalisation to put the world economy in jeopardy through war or coercion.
5.In the trilogy, a young streetwise girl becomes enmeshed in an epic struggle to ultimately defeat the oppressive forces of a senile God.
6.Equally, Chinese owners and managers become enmeshed in the U. S. economy and learn how the political system functions.
7.I realize it's not an easy model to understand or adopt if you're currently enmeshed within the perspective of OR.
8.So we are constantly enmeshed in a choice-of-evils struggle: Which is worse, to allow free access, or to start censoring?
9.Toyota, a company that used to embody Japan's reputation for quality, is enmeshed in a safety and public relations nightmare.
10.It is the largest market, with a dynamic consumer culture, innovative companies, and is deeply enmeshed in the international system.